Saturday, December 20, 2008

Footballing comes to Abilene!

I know, I know. Erin interested in football? Stranger things have happened. Like yesterday, when my oldest was nice and my other two were naughty. It was like the twilight zone. Today is a new day, we will see what happens.

Yes, I am excited about the Ruff Riders football team coming to Abilene. Nan, Dave and I are their number one cheerleaders (maybe on the field, too!). We had Coach Dockery on our radio show on Thursday. He is a great guy. He will be on Dave's show today at 12:00 (1340 am). Who knows, there might be a couple of surprise guests! Stay tuned for more on the Ruff Riders. I don't know much about Indoor Football(ing), but I am willing to learn. Abilene needs this and I am all about supporting things that are good for Abilene.

Okay, Nan. You wanted an example of good customer goes! On Monday, I was on my way home from Lost Wages, with a little bit of concern about the weather. You know, Vegas had three inches of snow this week! AMAZING! My flight from Vegas to DFW was two hours late leaving. Oh...did I mention that American changed my flight number and time and did not notify me? That's for another day. As I was waiting for the ticket agent to show up at the counter, to see if there was another flight out of Dallas that I could get on, since I will be missing my connection, a lady came up to me and said, "Is there no one at the counter?" Here's Your Sign! Then she started in about how she is going to miss her connection because her flight is 40 minutes late...BLAH BLAH BLAH. To which I replied, "We are all in the same boat." Oh so sweetly, of course. After getting rid of her, I got my ticket changed. I wonder if she ever got home? Oh, well. Now for the good customer service part...After arriving at DFW, I boarded my flight home at 8:45 p.m. Wheels up was at 11:30 p.m. Arrival into Abilene was at 12:10 a.m. Do you see the problem. We SAT on the runway for 2 hours and 45 minutes. The problem? We were number 15 in line for deicing. The pilot was AMAZING. The flight attendant was AMAZING (he brought the drink cart around a couple of times!). The people on the plane did not get upset. And do you know why? The drinks? Yes..No. Actually, the pilot kept us informed the whole time what was going on. He was just as miffed about the wait as the passengers where. He then had what he called a strange request...He asked us all to go to page 91 in the American Way magazine and write a letter to the powers that be about the fact that we had to sit that long because there is only one deicing machine. Now, he did not say whether it was per terminal or the whole airport. I would suspect the whole terminal. So, lesson learned. The pilots and attendants are only doing what they are told. They can not control the weather or the airport. All they can control is the plane and let's hope they do a GREAT job of that!

I know this in lengthy, but I have not blogged in a while and Nan has been on me to blog, so I am making up for lost time. Be sure to post your funny Christmas stories, or better yet, call into the show after Christmas. We'd love to hear from you! Have a Merry Christmas (yes, I said it!), and we will GAB at ya' later!



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