Friday, September 5, 2008

I think I'm gonna like 40!

WOW! A great night was had by all. Eight of my dear, crazy, and spontaneous friends had a little birthday gathering for me last night. I was even chauffeured to the party. However, I had to call my husband to come and pick me up (but not for the reason you think), because me ride left early. You know me, I will stay until the bitter end. The food was awesome (yes, Candice even yours...oh, I'm sorry, it was Joel's), the drinks refreshing and best of all, ADULT CONVERSATION!!! Thanks to all who came to wish me a happy birthday. It is not my official birthday, yet. So don't forget to wish me one on my REAL birthday! LOL. Nan took a ton of pics and is going to post them on our website. I hope she does not post the "bad" ones. :)

Gab at ya' later!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

1 Week Down...Have you moms sang this song yet?

One week into school, and I bet some of you have sang snippets of the following youtube video. Most of you have seen this, but it's great to see, hear, and sing along with it again! Cheers to all the MOMS!
Keep gabbin',