Thursday, January 28, 2010

House Projects & Maintenance Resolution

That's right...My main resolution this year is to do get some serious household projects and maintenance taken care of. Oh I can hear all your oohs and ahhs right now! Well if you are thinking it's a cool, fun remodel job then simmer down, cuz it's NOT!!! I did say projects and maintenance! THERE IS A HUGE DIFFERENCE! It's just those projects that we homeowners need to do from time to time, and the ones I usually hate to spend my money on! However, I must! And to be perfectly honest, if we get a couple of them accomplished, I will not mind spending the cash! To hold myself accountable and to also have a place to go to in case I misplace the paper list (because I do misplace things...lots of things...keys, cell phones, keys...Did I say keys? You get the picture), I'm going to put the list at the bottom of this blog! Also, I'll let you know how it's going throughout the year and which ones get checked off. I'll even post before and after pics. Oh how exciting! I can hear all of your oohs and ahs all over again! HA! The main one is getting the outside of the house painted (trim only, not painting the brick) and in a different color!!! This is the one that I am most excited about. Currently, it's white and chipping horribly. I know my neighbors will be thankful and definitely oohing and aahing over that one. The rest will hopefully get done at some point. (It will all depend upon the all mighty dollar!) So we shall see. Stay tuned and here's the list below!

Outside of house painted!!
New Co2 alarms and replace smoke alarms
Shelving in front hallway closet
Built-in shelving in den
Built-in shelving and desk in office
Carpet in bedrooms professionally cleaned and/or replaced
Closet doors in son's room need to be redone
Electrician needed for outdoor lighting, bathroom lights, ceiling fans
New garage doors/openers
Tear down patio cover and repacing with something else
Kitchen island built
Window coverings in dining room and master bedroom (still debating what kind)
MAJOR tree trimming in backyard

This Gabbin' Gal has got to get goin' on this list! Gab at ya later.
Happy New Year and good luck on all of your resolutions!

Gabbin' Gal Nan

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