Saturday, December 6, 2008

Back to Customer Service....or the lack thereof...

Just got a HUGE car repair bill!!! Kind of blows the budget especially at this time of the year, but what's a girl to do? And besides, my daughter's bicycle has a flat so that's not an option. Therefore, gotta get it fixed and FAST! Why you ask? Well... if you are a woman who has kids, works, drives a carpool, runs errand after errand after errand, etc. ~ you get the picture. We women need our cars! I just about live in mine, so gotta have it!

Anyhow, here's the deal...if you are going to have my car for only 1.5 hours and charge me 1/2 of what my house payment is for PARTS and LABOR (highway robbery), don't you think the the very least you could do is add a little something unexpected. Here's some ideas...throw in a wash and a vacuum, maybe a free tire rotation, heck - a bottled water sitting in my cup holder and an air freshner hanging from the mirror would suffice and be a nice, sweet surprise. Won't cost much, but it will cost you a lot more (i.e. repeat business) if you don't do it! Just a little tip from a gal who truly appreciates a business going the extra mile instead of one that made her feel financially violated and not appreciated!

Gotta go, but I promise to be back with a Good Customer Service/Appreciation Story. I KNOW there is at least one out there for me to enjoy and to share with you!

Gab at ya later!

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